Building a WC Unix Tool


7 min read


Hey folks! ๐ŸŒŸ

I recently had an awesome coding adventure where I took on the challenge of building my very own version of the 'wc' command-line tool in Python. You know, that trusty 'wc' command that's always been there for Unix users, helping count words, lines, and bytes in text files. It was a fun and exciting project that not only boosted my Python skills but also gave me a better grasp of Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) and handling command-line arguments. So, I'm super pumped to share my journey with you in this blog post. Let's dive right in!

The Goal

The main objective of this project was to flex my coding muscles and create simple, clean interfaces for different tools, each responsible for just one specific function. I wanted to develop programs that could easily connect with other tools, creating powerful combinations and workflows.

Understanding The Problem

To tackle the 'wc' command-line tool, I broke the problem down into several steps:

  • Parsing Command-Line Arguments: First, I needed to read the command-line arguments to figure out if an option i.e ('-c', '-l', '-w', or '-m') was provided. In Python, I accessed the command-line arguments using the 'argparse' module.

  • Opening and Reading the File: If an option e.g '-c' was present, the next step was to open and read the file specified in the command-line arguments.

  • Counting: While reading the file, I had to keep track of the number of bytes, words, lines and characters read, either by reading the file in chunks or using the file's size property.

  • Displaying the Result: Once I had counted the total numbers, I had to display the result as the output of the program.

  • Default Option: I needed to enable reading from the standard input stream if no option is provided or if the single dash ("-") is provided.

  • Standard Input: I needed to support being able to read from standard input when the script is run without any file name.

Study Focus

During this project, I focused on several key areas:

  • Command-Line Interfaces (CLI): I delved into the basics of CLI, such as navigating file systems, working with directories and files, and executing commands in the terminal.

  • File I/O Operations: I learned how to read data from files, handle input/output operations, and retrieve file metadata like size and line count.

  • Command-Line Argument Parsing: I mastered the art of parsing command-line arguments, options, and flags provided by users when running the program.

  • String Manipulation and Text Processing: I honed my skills in manipulating strings, counting words, and extracting valuable information from text data.

  • Error Handling: I implemented robust error handling mechanisms to gracefully handle issues like missing files or invalid command-line options.

  • Familiarity with the Unix wc Command: I studied the existing Unix wc command's functionality and features to ensure my custom implementation matched the expected behavior.

My Solution

To make my code flexible and maintainable, I used the power of polymorphism in my design. Polymorphism is a core principle of Object-Oriented Programming (OOP), allowing objects of different classes to be treated as objects of a common base class.

In the context of the 'wc' project, polymorphism came into play when handling different file types (e.g., text files, binary files) or sources (e.g., reading from standard input). By leveraging polymorphism, I was able to abstract common functionality, making my code more modular and adaptable to various input sources.

To achieve this, I created subclasses that inherited from a common base class named "Counter." Each subclass provided its own implementation of the count() method to handle specific counting tasks like words, lines, and bytes. This design allowed me to seamlessly switch between different counters based on user input or the file type being processed.

Problems Encountered and Their Solutions

Here's a rundown of the challenges I encountered during development and the solutions I implemented to conquer them. The script is divided into several classes, each responsible for counting specific elements in the file.

  1. Error: Argument Parsing Issue

    • Issue: The initial implementation of the CLI class did not correctly parse command-line arguments, leading to unrecognized arguments errors.

    • Solution: I fine-tuned the CLI class to properly use the argparse module for parsing command-line arguments. The add_argument method was used to specify the supported options (-c, -l, -w, and -m) and set the required flag to False for all options to support default behavior.

  2. Error: Character Count Issue

    • Issue: The CharacterCounter class initially did not return the correct character count due to incorrect handling of character encoding.

    • Solution: I updated the CharacterCounter class to handle multibyte encoding correctly. The chardet module was enlisted to detect the file's encoding, and the correct character count was calculated by converting the file contents to bytes and determining the length of the encoded content.

  3. Error: FileNotFoundError

    • Issue: The script was not handling the FileNotFoundError, leading to crashes when the specified file was not found.

    • Solution: I incorporated try-except blocks within the count methods of the counter classes (e.g., LineCounter, WordCounter, and CharacterCounter) to handle FileNotFoundError. The script now provides an informative error message when a file is not found.

  4. Error: UnicodeDecodeError

    • Issue: The script encountered UnicodeDecodeError when attempting to read the file contents with the 'utf-8' encoding.

    • Solution: I added a try-except block within the count methods of the counter classes to handle UnicodeDecodeError. The script now displays an error message when it is unable to decode the file using the 'utf-8' encoding.

  5. Error: Missing char_count variable in CharacterCounter class

    • Issue: The char_count variable in the CharacterCounter class was not used to store the character count.

    • Solution: I utilized the char_count variable to correctly store the character count after making necessary adjustments to the CharacterCounter class.

  6. Error: Handling Default Option

    • Issue: The initial implementation did not support the default option, i.e., no options provided, equivalent to -c, -l, -w, and -m options.

    • Solution: I modified the CLI class's parse_arguments method to handle the default option. If no options are provided, default file paths are set for each counter operation.

  7. Error: Unsupported Encoding for Character Counting

    • Issue: When trying to count characters using multibyte encodings, the script was not recognizing certain encodings, leading to a False return value from CharacterCounter.multibyte_encoding().

    • Solution: I added the encoding 'cp1252' to the list of supported multibyte encodings in the CharacterCounter.multibyte_encoding() method.

  8. Error: Incorrect Output for No Arguments Provided

    • Issue: When no options were provided, the script was not displaying counts for all metrics (bytes, lines, words, and characters).

    • Solution: I modified the method to perform all counts by default when no specific options are provided and output the counts for all metrics together.

  9. Error: file_contents Not Assigned Correctly

    • Issue: The file_contents variable was not assigned correctly when no options were provided, resulting in a None value.

    • Solution: I modified the method to correctly assign the file_contents variable by retrieving the value from args.file_contents.

  10. Standard input (stdin) - File Not Found Error

    • Issue: One of the primary challenges in the CCWC project was allowing users to input text from files. Unfortunately, the initial implementation resulted in a "File not found" error when attempting to read input from a file.

    • Solution: To address the "File not found" error that arose due to OS differences in handling file input, I implemented Docker as a solution. Docker was utilized to containerize the CCWC application, providing a consistent environment for execution across different operating systems.

  11. Handling Input in Docker Containers

    • Issue: Input redirection from the host system's file path to a directory inside the Docker container proved to be challenging.

    • Solution: To ensure smooth handling of standard input in Docker containers, the docker run command was executed with the -i flag. This allowed the Docker container to run in interactive mode, keeping stdin open, and enabling effortless input from the host.


Creating 'ccwc' has been an incredible journey that enriched my Python skills and gave me a profound appreciation for the power of OOP and polymorphism. Through this project, I grasped the true value of modular design, error handling, and diligently managing edge cases to craft code that is both clean and maintainable. Now, 'ccwc' stands as an indispensable gem in my development toolkit, enabling me to swiftly analyze and extract valuable insights from text files.

I am genuinely thrilled to share my experiences and solutions. I hope my experiences and solutions will inspire you on your own coding adventures. Happy coding! ๐Ÿš€
